strategy campaigns

Forests and trees. If you can't see one for the other...


Focus on where we excel
Our clients always know where the biggest impact can be made, it's just some times they need a little help to find it. 


Working in a business often means that we are not working on the the business,  and we spend our time focused on tactical implementation rather than the big plan: The vision that is going to give our business the step change needed. 

Strategy development is not for the faint-hearted. It often means being the first to challenge sacred cows or take the risks that others will not. 

It needs a helicopter view, yet a laser focus on what is critical for success. In many cases the process works better when facilitated by an outsider - who is a process expert, capable of getting the best out of the subject matter experts working in the business day to day. 

It's about getting buy-in and then empowering the operational team to take ownership. 

The Marchitect has been leading strategy projects in global businesses for more than 20 years. We can bring a process tailored to your needs, or work within the operational methodology of your company - always with the same objective: Create the best possible outcome for the business. 

We know our job is done when we can walk away, knowing that the team has taken ownership of the strategy and is deeply committed to implementation. 

All of our clients have a much better understanding of their industry than we ever could. No matter how many questions we might ask - we don't pretend to be experts in the industry. We are expert in the process of strategy development, and the results that our clients have achieved demonstrates how just how impactful that combination can be.